A personal loan is an unsecured credit, for which you don't need to provide collateral to receive the loan amount. You can easily apply for an online personal loan at Rupeekmoney.com.
Some of the likely purposes for which a personal loan can be used are Shopping, Home Renovation, Higher Education, Debt Consolidation, Tour Travel, Wedding, Medical emergency, etc.
RupeekMoney offers personal loans at the lowest EMIs starting from Rs.1,982/- to Rs. 8,999/-.
RupeekMoney provides personal loan offers through top multiple banks in India that offer Lowest Personal Loan Interest Rates. Loan approval is subjective to the applicant's documents.
Through RupeekMoney, you can get personalised consultation on getting loans at the lowest rates.
RupeekMoney facilitates you with personal loan offers if your Credit score is 650 or higher.
Your CIBIL Score must be 650 or higher.
Once your application is submitted along with your documents, it can take anywhere between 1-7 days for your personal loan to get approved and a couple of days after that for the disbursement.